Today's run was an 8.3 mile run: 1.8 miles with Hailey through town and then 6.5 on to one of my old running routes out Madbury road, down Perkins, through Caney farms, and back around the high school and through town. I should have gone further - legs felt good, the pace was about 9 and a half minute miles, but I still haven't gotten my feed/water plans together yet and I think I really need that to go further. My task for this week is to get that together in time for a 12 mile run either Sat or Sun.
I doubt I'll run tomorrow...maybe erg, but we'll see how things develop between getting back to VT, emptying the car of all the presents (aka toys for Bryn) and getting things prepped for the week...and that means it's been a 21.3 mile week. Not bad.