Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 24th Julie Kelliher Appreciation Day

Last week's mid-week runs were uninspired or avoided and I finally came up against the fact that it was Friday and I had put in 4 miles since Sunday's 10 mile long run.

Not good.

Somehow though Friday morning my body woke me up at 4:30, I wandered downstairs to the ready coffeemaker (thank you wonderful Nate for making coffee every night!) and by 5:30 I was ready to go - still too cold and dark to run, so I headed up the hill to UVM and my friend, the arc trainer, for 5 miles.

Slowly, but surely the fog that had been hanging over me that last week lessened and I watched the sky lighten at 6:40 over Mts. Lincoln and Ellen in the Green Mountains. Say what you will about UVM's sports facilities, their rec fitness center has one of the best views in the world, especially at daybreak.

Then this song came on:

Kind of wish at that point that I was on the road.
So much easier to cry when the wind blows the tears away.

It was good.
It was exactly what I needed.
A "run" and a moment to touch the love they left me.

And later that day I got this email:

Today is Julie Kelliher day!  By virtue of the Official Proclamation made by our esteemed and fearless leader, ACCD Secretary Lawrence Miller, January 24th is Julie’s day.  So, maybe take a moment, read the attached Proclamation, admire the beautiful images of Julie, her husband Rick and daughter Riley, and reflect on how we live – here and beyond our work.  And how Julie was a shining example of the way we touch so many lives, and that every encounter with another person is an opportunity to impart a measure of goodness.

In Julie’s honor, enjoy the day, as she would have.

So I did.
And may you.
PS - thanks Lawrence....

S T A T E   O F   V E R M O N T


A   P R O C L A M A T I O N

WHEREAS,    Julie Kelliher on June 21, 2004 was appointed, and has served loyally, faithfully and meritoriously as General Counsel for Vermont’s Department of Economic, Housing and Community Development through January of 2013; and

WHEREAS,    under Julie’s skillful leadership and expert advice, the Department has delivered exceptional service to the people of Vermont across a variety of housing, community development and historic preservation programs, particularly through her steady counsel and oversight provided to the Vermont Community Development Program and the Community Development Board that annually award millions of dollars in grants to municipalities to help strengthen their housing, economic and community development resources and opportunities; and

WHEREAS,    Julie’s passion for her work was evidenced by her tireless dedication to upholding laws, regulations and policies intended to protect the interests of Vermonters, often some of our most vulnerable citizens facing significant threats to their homes from both natural disasters such as flooding, as well as man-made causes such as environmental hazards and inadequate and unfair operation; and

WHEREAS,    the Department and its Division for Historic Preservation are particularly indebted to Julie for her effective counsel provided to the Vermont Downtown Program and the Downtown Development Board on behalf of many of Vermont’s historic downtowns and villages as well as Vermont’s historic sites and resources; and

WHEREAS,    Julie’s service to the people of Vermont has included numerous acts above and beyond the scope of her official duties, including developing guidance documents to help better inform the public and regulated communities on significant legal matters and giving presentations thereon; and

WHEREAS,    Julie brought to the Department her keen mind, her courage to take on all challenges, no matter how great or novel, her engaging personality that impressed and won over many a legislative committee, her Irish passion and humor, and a compassionate ear for anyone in need of wise counsel,

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Lawrence Miller, Secretary of the Agency of Commerce and Community
                                                 Development, exceeding all power and authority of my office, hereby proclaim January 24 as

                                                JULIE KELLIHER APPRECIATION DAY in Vermont.

Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Vermont this
24th day of January, A.D. 2013.

Lawrence Miller

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Ice Ice #BTV

I'm a little tired of ice. Don't get me wrong, I love to skate, I've played some hockey in my past, and nothing beats you, a frozen river, and the feeling of flying on water.

I ran my first ice run in early December on the bike path when a half inch of fluff decided to thaw and quick freeze into a black ice layer on the untreated pavement. I joked that it was going to be the first of many ice runs this winter, but didn't understand how true this was going to be. #VTIce13 hit later that month and we just can't get rid of the stuff. We have an almost two inch layer in our driveway ice rink and with this cold even good Kahtoola microspikes just skate on the top of any trail, let alone our sidewalks….

I'm a little tired of ice.

Give me snow. Give me cold. Slushy, messy roads. I can deal, I actually thrive in that stuff. Ice though, that's just waiting to snatch me up and land me hard on a hip or a knee.

Hmmm, maybe I should try running in my old hockey pads….

Until then, the arc trainer and elliptical have been my friend during many of these week days and so far, my Sunday long runs have been in the 30's. I've had no problem running through the slush for 10-12 miles, but then it all freezes hard again.

I'm a little tired of ice.