Saturday, December 27, 2008


Yup, that's what Minnesota is, flat, at least in comparison to my neighborhood and typical running routes. This is not to disparage any MN athletes either - no way! I know way too many folks from MN who kick my butt! Instead it just allowed me to get in two good runs while we are visiting here over Christmas. There is a nice 5 mile loop on bike paths that I did once on Christmas and then twice yesterday. Yup, did my ten miles - managed to run slow enough for the first 5 to negative split by nearly three minutes the second 5 miles. It was a good run. Now I'm a little tight around the quads and calves, but a few yoga series seems to help and we'll get in another walk this afternoon to make sure I get some blood running through those legs before the flights back to VT.

Hopefully there will be snow still in VT when we get back so we can enjoy some nordic and tele time. It will be a balancing act (what's new?) to get in the ski time and still keep up with the long runs. I'm not really concerned about the fitness part of things - beleive me, nordic skiing will keep me in shape, but yesterday's run confirmed to me that nothing else will do but running for these long runs.

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