Sunday, December 14, 2008

Training and sleep....

November was a month of working out how to work out....I didn't manage a lot of long runs, but did manage to get to the gym or go for a 4-5 miles run at least three times a week. That seems to be doing the trick of getting my base fitness down. I attended my first nordic ski training session last week and I actually felt like I was semi in shape...unlike the last three years.

So I tested the theory that if I went slow enough the base would carry me through a 8 mile run, and it did! Last Sunday I went up and over the hill and back, with just a 4 minute walk up the last 1/3rd of the mile hill on the other side. It felt great, I stretched, took a little vit I, and drank lots of water and I was still walking well come Monday and Tuesday. Hmmmm, this training thing does work. :-)

Alas, this has not continued this week, which started out so well - 35 minutes on the erg Monday, 60 minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday...then the Wed day off extended into Thursday, into Friday, Sat, and now Sun. The reason: no sleep. Somehow Bryn and I have to figure out how to stop getting so dried out every night. We wake up at midnight, mouths dry, Bryn gets a boob, Mom gets more dried out...this goes on every two hours until a final boob at 4 and sleep until 7. Mom wakes up like a zoombie for most of the week and this weekend has been dealing with migraines.

So the plan for this week:
Today - get out for some sort of run 3 to 6 miles or erg 30-45 mintes
M - run/erg 30 minutes, yoga at noon
T - ski training two hours
W - off or erg 30 minutes
R - gym training 60-90 minutes
F - run 45 minutes/Ski training 2 hours
S - downhill ski/off
S - try for 8-10 miles - GMAA run?

Oh boy...and get ready for xmas and bake lots and lots of after Brynna and Hailey too!

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