Monday, March 30, 2009

All down hill from here....

The weather for Sunday was predicting cold, cold rain, so rather than spend a ton of time with logistics and forcing my family to take care of me during the Eastern States race, I ran from my parents' house in Durham and did the whole 20 miles in just over 10 minute miles, including a 6 minute stop to change clothes, water bottles, and to pee. Actual running time worked out to about 9 and a half minute miles and my second loop was about 5 minutes faster than the first. Sweet!

It was also the first time that I really truly believed that I was going to finish this marathon, maybe even run the whole thing!

In typical fashion I was fussing about the house, looking at loop mileage, fixing my bottles when my Dad came by and asked, "you are going running aren't you," "Yup," I said "just checking my loop mileage." "Good, just wanted to make sure you weren't procrastinating or anything" I was out the door within five minutes...laughing my head off for the first mile!

Sappy song that made me cry during the run:
Kick butt U2 song that always makes me go fast whether I'm on the erg or running: U2 Lady with the Spinning Head

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