Monday, October 20, 2008

Training so far...

After a week of minimal running (one run on Tuesday pm) I finally got my shoes back on and have run every day since Sat. Tuesday's (10/14) run was a quick 2 mile jaunt up the hill and back with Hailey-dog just before it got dark. Then I did core work and/or yoga every night until I finally got out Sat (10/18) am for 3o+ minutes of what was basically strength training: pushing Bryn in her jogging stroller up and down our hill. I'll admit it, it wasn't all running, only about 23 minutes was, but for those who don't know our VT house and seen our's a pretty big hill...we pretty much run up hill in various grades for almost a mile and a quarter before it levels out. So up and down pretty much sums up any run under 2 and a half miles....and then when I get out beyond 5 miles we hit the "BIG"'s a mile long and steep!

Sunday's (10/19) run was nearly three laps of a 1.4-1.6 mile loop - the difference was the addition, or not, of a detour to a steep little hill of about 0.2 in length...I ran for 38 minutes before walking probably about 0.4 of the last lap. Good, but I really need to start out slower and then when I tell myself to slow down, I need to slow down...not run faster for the second lap! I completely pooped out on the third lap around....

Today (10/20) I started out aching from a sore throat, stuffy nose, and Sunday's did not forebode a good run, but we (Nate and I) started out slow and I was pretty well warmed up by the time we hit the half way mark and by the last half mile was being told "you're speeding up, you're speeding up"....some miles just have a knack for getting you to run fast!

I'm thinking this cold is getting kicked, so I'm off to start another work week - crazy as usual and I'm afraid it's going to turn into another week of no runs. Not that the core work and yoga aren't good for me, but I do need to get on my feet a couple of times during the week, it's just a matter of finding the time, scheduling the run in, and then doing it. I'm also hoping to extend the training into a few erg workouts to cross train...yet another place where I'm going to have to slow down.

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